Tunes for the post-reviewer blues
Whether you are reading a review of a grant application or that infamous "reviewer #3's" response to your manuscript, rejection can be tough to handle. Listening to music may be able to help you cope with this stressful event <see research on this phenomenon here >, perhaps enough to get you past this submission cycle with enough cojones for the next. Here are some suggestions, take 'em or leave 'em: Phase 1: Denial and depression - no way, it can't be "Better Man" by Pearl Jam. Can't find a better man. You're stuck in this. "Black" by Pearl Jam. Just so obviously appropriate. Although maybe love song for NIH/NSF. "Yeah. I know someday you'll have a beautiful life . I know you'll be a star. In somebody else's sky. But why. Why. Why can't it be. Why can't it be mine." Why can't that $$ be mine... "Mr. Self Destruct" by Nine Inch Nails I bring you the 90's Tre...